A feeling of distress, suffering, or agony, caused by stimulation of specialized nerve endings. Its purpose is chiefly protective; it acts as awarning that tissues are being damaged and induces the sufferer to remove or withdraw from the source. The North American NursingDiagnosis Association has accepted pain as a nursing diagnosis, defining it as a state in which an individual experiences and reports severediscomfort or an uncomfortable sensation; the reporting of pain may be either by direct verbal communication or by encoded descriptors.
Pain Receptors and Stimuli. All receptors for pain stimuli are free nerve endings of groups of myelinated or unmyelinated neural fibersabundantly distributed in the superficial layers of the skin and in certain deeper tissues such as the periosteum, surfaces of the joints,arterial walls, and the falx and tentorium of the cranial cavity. The distribution of pain receptors in the gastrointestinal mucosa apparentlyis similar to that in the skin; thus, the mucosa is quite sensitive to irritation and other painful stimuli. Although the parenchyma of the liverand the alveoli of the lungs are almost entirely insensitive to pain, the liver and bile ducts are extremely sensitive, as are the bronchi andparietal pleura.
Some pain receptors are selective in their response to stimuli, but most are sensitive to more than one of the following types of excitation:(1) mechanical stress of trauma; (2) extremes of heat and cold; and (3) chemical substances, such as histamine, potassium ions, acids,prostaglandins, bradykinin, and acetylcholine. Pain receptors, unlike other sensory receptors in the body, do not adapt or become lesssensitive to repeated stimulation. Under certain conditions the receptors become more sensitive over a period of time. This accounts forthe fact that as long as a traumatic stimulus persists the person will continue to be aware that damage to the tissues is occurring.
The body is able to recognize tissue damage because when cells are destroyed they release the chemical substances previouslymentioned. These substances can stimulate pain receptors or cause direct damage to the nerve endings themselves. A lack of oxygensupply to the tissues can also produce pain by causing the release of chemicals from ischemic tissue. Muscle spasm is another cause ofpain, probably because it has the indirect effect of causing ischemia and stimulation of chemosensitive pain receptors.
Transmission and Recognition of Pain. When superficial pain receptors are excited the impulses are transmitted from these surfacereceptors to synapses in the gray matter (substantia gelatinosa) of the dorsal horns of the spinal cord. They then travel upward along thesensory pathways to the thalamus, which is the main sensory relay station of the brain. The dorsomedial nucleus of the thalamus projectsto the prefrontal cortex of the brain. The conscious perception of pain probably takes place in the thalamus and lower centers;interpretation of the quality of pain is probably the role of the cerebral cortex.
The perception of pain by an individual is highly complex and individualized, and is subject to a variety of external and internal influences.The cerebral cortex is concerned with the appreciation of pain and its quality, location, type, and intensity; thus, an intact sensory cortexis essential to the perception of pain. In addition to neural influences that transmit and modulate sensory input, the perception of pain isaffected by psychological and cultural responses to pain-related stimuli. A person can be unaware of pain at the time of an acute injury orother very stressful situation, when in a state of depression, or when experiencing an emotional crisis. Cultural influences alsoprecondition the perception of and response to painful stimuli. The reaction to similar circumstances can range from complete stoicism tohistrionic behavior.
Pain Control. There are several theories related to the physiologic control of pain but none has been completely verified. One of the bestknown is that of Mellzak and Wall, the gate control theory, which proposed that pain impulses were mediated in the substantia gelatinosaof the spinal cord with the dorsal horns acting as “gates” that controlled entry of pain signals into the central pain pathways. Also, painsignals would compete with tactile signals with the two constantly balanced against each other.
Since this theory was first proposed, researchers have shown that the neuronal circuitry it hypothesizes is not precisely correct.Nevertheless, there are internal systems that are now known to occur naturally in the body for controlling and mediating pain. One suchsystem, the opioid system, involves the production of morphinelike substances called enkephalins and endorphins. Both are naturallyoccurring analgesics found in various parts of the brain and spinal cord that are concerned with pain perception and the transmission ofpain signals. Signals arising from stimulation of neurons in the gray matter of the brain stem travel downward to the dorsal horns of thespinal cord where incoming pain impulses from the periphery terminate. The descending signals block or significantly reduce thetransmission of pain signals upward along the spinal cord to the brain where pain is perceived by releasing these substances.
In addition to the brain's opioid system for controlling the transmission of pain impulses along the spinal cord, there is another mechanismfor the control of pain. The stimulation of large sensory fibers extending from the tactile receptors in the skin can suppress thetransmission of pain signals from thinner nerve fibers. It is as if the nerve pathways to the brain can accommodate only one type of signalat a time, and when two kinds of impulses simultaneously arrive at the dorsal horns, the tactile sensation takes precedence over thesensation of pain.
The discovery of endorphins and the inhibition of pain transmission by tactile signals has provided a scientific explanation for theeffectiveness of such techniques as relaxation, massage, application of liniments, and acupuncture in the control of pain and discomfort.
Assessment of Pain. Pain is a subjective phenomenon that is present when the person who is experiencing it says it is. The personreporting personal discomfort or pain is the most reliable source of information about its location, quality, intensity, onset, precipitating oraggravating factors, and measures that bring relief.
Objective signs of pain can help verify what a patient says about pain, but such data are not used to prove or disprove whether it ispresent. Physiologic signs of moderate and superficial pain are responses of the sympathetic nervous system. They include rapid,shallow, or guarded respiratory movements, pallor, diaphoresis, increased pulse rate, elevated blood pressure, dilated pupils, andtenseness of the skeletal muscles. Pain that is severe or located deep in body cavities acts as a stimulant to parasympathetic neuronsand is evidenced by a drop in blood pressure, slowing of pulse, pallor, nausea and vomiting, weakness, and sometimes a loss ofconsciousness.
Behavioral signs of pain include crying, moaning, tossing about in bed, pacing the floor, lying quietly but tensely in one position, drawingthe knees upward toward the abdomen, rubbing the painful part, and a pinched facial expression or grimacing. The person in pain alsomay have difficulty concentrating and remembering and may be totally self-centered and preoccupied with the pain.
Psychosocial aspects of tolerance for pain and reactions to it are less easily identifiable and more complex than physiologic responses.An individual's reaction to pain is subject to a variety of psychologic and cultural influences. These include previous experience with pain,training in regard to how one should respond to pain and discomfort, state of health, and the presence of fatigue or physical weakness.One's degree of attention to and distraction from painful stimuli can also affect one's perception of the intensity of pain. A thoroughassessment of pain takes into consideration all of these psychosocial factors.
Management of Pain. Among the measures employed to provide relief from pain, administration of analgesic drugs is probably the one thatis most often misunderstood and abused. When an analgesic drug has been ordered “as needed,” the patient should know that the drug istruly available when needed and that it will be given promptly when asked for. If the patient is forced to wait until someone else decideswhen an analgesic is needed, the patient may become angry, resentful, and tense, thus diminishing or completely negating the desiredeffect of the drug. Studies have shown that when analgesics are left at the bedside of terminally ill cancer patients to be taken at theirdiscretion, fewer doses are taken than when they must rely on someone else to make the drug available. Habituation and addiction toanalgesics probably result as much from not using other measures along with analgesics for pain control as from giving prescribedanalgesics when they are ordered. Patient-controlled analgesia has been used safely and effectively.
When analgesics are not appropriate or sufficient or when there is a real danger of addiction, there are noninvasive techniques that can beused as alternatives or adjuncts to analgesic therapy. The selection of a particular technique for the management of pain depends on thecause of the pain, its intensity and duration, whether it is acute or chronic, and whether the patient perceives the technique as effective.
Distraction techniques provide a kind of sensory shielding to make the person less aware of discomfort. Distraction can be effective in therelief of brief periods of acute pain, such as that associated with minor surgical procedures under local anesthesia, wound débridement,and venipuncture.
Massage and gentle pressure activate the thick-fiber impulses and produce a preponderance of tactile signals to compete with painsignals. It is interesting that stimulation of the large sensory fibers leading from superficial sensory receptors in the skin can relieve painat a site distant from the area being rubbed or otherwise stimulated. Since ischemia and muscle spasm can both produce discomfort,massage to improve circulation and frequent repositioning of the body and limbs to avoid circulatory stasis and promote muscle relaxationcan be effective in the prevention and management of pain. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) units enhance theproduction of endorphins and enkephalins and can also relieve pain.
Specific relaxation techniques can help relieve physical and mental tension and stress and reduce pain. They have been especiallyeffective in mitigating discomfort during labor and delivery but can be used in a variety of situations. Learning proper relaxation techniquesis not easy for some people, but once these techniques have been mastered they can be of great benefit in the management of chronicongoing pain. The intensity of pain also can be reduced by stimulating the skin through applications of either heat or cold, mentholointments, and liniments. Contralateral stimulation involves stimulating the skin in an area on the side opposite a painful region.Stimulation can be done by rubbing, massaging, or applying heat or cold.
Since pain is a symptom and therefore of value in diagnosis, it is important to keep accurate records of the observations of the patienthaving pain. These observations should include the following: the nature of the pain, that is, whether it is described by the patient as beingsharp, dull, burning, aching, etc.; the location of the pain, if the patient is able to determine this; the time of onset and the duration, andwhether or not certain nursing measures and drugs are successful in obtaining relief; and the relation to other circumstances, such as theposition of the patient, occurrence before or after eating, and stimuli in the environment such as heat or cold that may trigger the onset ofpain.
Surgical procedures designed to alleviate pain. From Ignatavicius et al., 1999.
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