quinta-feira, 4 de junho de 2015

Lower Back Stretches – 

Basic Exercises

Rotation in Lying 

Lie on your back, knees bent, feet flat and together. Gently take both knees from side to side as far as possible pain-free (figure 1). Repeat 10 - 20 times.
Lower Back Stretches - Rotation in Lying
Figure 1 – Rotation in Lying

Prone on Elbows 

Begin lying on your stomach, then gently prop yourself up onto your forearms, keeping your back relaxed (figure 2). Hold for 2 seconds, then slowly lower yourself down flat. Repeat 10 times provided the exercise is pain-free.
Lower Back Stretches - Prone on Elbows
Figure 2 – Prone on Elbows

Knees to Chest 

Lie on your back, knees bent. Take both knees towards your chest using your hands until you feel a mild to moderate stretch, pain-free (figure 3). Hold for 5 seconds and repeat 10 times.
Lower Back Stretches - Flexion in lying
Figure 3 – Knees to Chest

Side Flexion in Standing 

Begin standing tall, back straight, hands by your sides. Gently lean to one side, sliding your hand down the outside of your thigh as far as possible pain-free (figure 4) . Repeat 10 times to each side.
Lower Back Stretches - Lateral Flexion
Figure 4 – Side Flexion in Standing

Lower Back Stretches – Advanced Exercises

Extension in Lying 

Begin lying on your stomach with your hands in the press up position as demonstrated (figure 5). Gently straighten your elbows, letting your back fall into an arch. Keep your back relaxed. Straighten your elbows as far as possible pain-free. Repeat 10 times.
Lower Back Stretches - Extension in Lying
Figure 5 – Extension in Lying

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